How to Select Plates of MD21

Please choose plates in the following step.

Select the plate for output

The plate for output can be selectable as Type S or Type H.

The plate for output is an accessory that supplies the microcurrent output from the MD21 main unit to the human body. There are two types: Type S (standard current value) and Type H (high current value).

The microcurrent value is “Type S < Type H” at around 2 μA for Type S and 4 μA for Type H. However, the value can vary greatly depending on the condition of the plate for output being used, the physical condition of each individual, and the environment in which the MD21 is used.

Based on our past study1, we recommend Type H for individuals with reduced lymphocyte immunity.

Select the plate for ground

The plate for output can be selectable as Type 1P or Type 2P.

The plate for ground allows the electrons supplied to the human body by the plate for output (electrons that flowed into the body from the plate for output) to flow out of the body. In other words, the Plate for ground is an accessory that forms an electron flow path inside the body.

Type 1P uses one plate, and Type 2P uses two plates to form an electron flow path. The advantage of Type 1P is that it is easy to wear, while the advantage of Type 2P is that it forms many electron flow paths in the body. In the case of MD21, which uses two plates for output, four-electron flow paths are formed for Type 1P and eight-electron flow paths for Type 2P―Type 1P: 2 (plate for output) * 2 (plate for ground) = 4; Type 2P: 2 (plate for output) * 4 (plate for ground) = 8.

Select the cable length

The cable lengths can be selectable as 2.5 m or 4.0 m.

Please select a cable length based on the distance from where the MD21 main unit is installed to where the customer will attach the plates and use them. The cable length must be longer than this distance.

  1. JP4223519. 2009-02-12. ↩︎
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